Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Luke 6:36-49

“Judge Not lest Ye be Judged.” Do you have any idea what that means?

“Christ does not condemn judging as a magistrate, for that, when according to justice, is lawful and necessary. Nor does he condemn our “forming an opinion” of the conduct of others, for it is impossible “not” to form an opinion of conduct that we know to be evil. But what he refers to is a habit of forming a judgment hastily, harshly, and without an allowance for every palliating circumstance, and a habit of “expressing” such an opinion harshly and unnecessarily when formed. It rather refers to private judgment than “judicial,”” - Albert Barnes

“Judge not - any man without full, clear, certain knowledge, without absolute necessity, without tender love. - John Wesley”

So Christ is talking about what? Christ has two things He is emphasizing. Firstly, are you GOD? Having the right of judgment implies that we can tell the motivating factor behind a person's decision making process. We know what is in their hearts. How presumptuous of us.

1 Samuel 16:7 But Jehovah said to Samuel, Do not look on his face, nor on his height, because I have refused him. For He does not see as man sees. For man looks on the outward appearance, but Jehovah looks on the heart.

Only God knows what is in our hearts. Therefore only God can judge us. However... this is tricky. Isn't it? You make judgments all the time about people. How many times have you automatically made a judgment on someone based on your very first impression? How many times have these judgments stayed with you? How have the colored the way you deal with these people? Do you treat them nicely? In a Christian manner? How does forming prejudices against someone show love?

When we judge on someone we are making a judgment on their character. We are judging all their works and deeds. They're works and deeds make them unworthy of Christ's love. Or, “They obviously aren't a Christian, just look at them!” So automatically we are putting our selves in the judgment seat of God. We can see their actions for what they truly are and thus, judge them as false. See why Christ has a problem with this?

Let's segue into works and faith. Judgment applies to this too. When we are judging someone's works we are judging the spiritual validity of these works. We are deciding if these works are from faith, or greed. So we are again taking a shot at someone's character. We aren't leaving any room for God's grace. Character comes from the things we do, out of faith and love. Not out of obligation. When we are motivated by love our works are just nice things. And they don't need a reason. Much like God's grace.

1 Corinthians 11:31-32 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. (32) But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

Remember what Christ says about looking at yourself first? What motivates you to do the things you do? Are you being nice to people because it is the Christian thing to do? Or are you acting out of some political expedience? Are you doing things because good things will be done to you in return. One-ups-manship. “I shall do things and they will be done to me in kind.” Is that acting out of love or selfish desire?

Acts 15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, according to which manner they also believed.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, (9) not of works, lest anyone should boast.

The things we do don't make us good. Only God is good, and only he can make us good. So when we judge someone by their works we are usurping Jehovah's authority. We ought not to judge a man by their actions only but by their character. The only person we should judge is ourselves. Do our actions reflect Christ? Does the love we share with others reflect the love Christ shared thru His grace? Is judging others an adequate way to spread the Gospel?


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